Action Alert

Act Now to Support Pro-Bicycling Virginia Legislation

  Last week was the first full week of the 2025 Virginia General Assembly session. This is a “short” session, which generally lasts for 45 calendar days, as opposed to a “long” session, which lasts 60 calendar days.  Bills must pass their respective committee and chamber by Crossover (February 4) [...]

Speak Up for Bike Access on the Norris Bridge Replacement

The existing Robert O. Norris Jr. (Route 3) Bridge across the lower Rappahannock River The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) is presently studying a replacement for its Robert O. Norris Jr. Bridge, which carries Virginia Route 3 across the lower Rappahannock River between Middlesex County (on Virginia's Middle [...]

13 Free Registrations to the 2023 National Bike Summit

Heads up, members! We are offering 13 FREE (virtual) REGISTRATIONS to the National Bike Summit for members of VBF and the League of American Bicyclists. This is a $100 value! The League is our national partner for advocating for bike policies at the federal level, and they are responsible for [...]

Action Alert #3: Support Trail Funding in Virginia!

PLEASE ACT TODAY. Virginia Senate and House committees are finalizing their respective budgets, with interim deadlines coming February 5th and 9th. Three multi-use trail budget amendments have been submitted. While these specific trail projects are in two parts of the Commonwealth, they will complement the statewide trails budget from the [...]

Action Alert #2: Big Week for Bike Bills! (Jan 24)

Friends, the General Assembly is starting to heat up. We expected several of the bills we are championing to be heard last week, but many were delayed to this week. That means they are going to come hot and fast in subcommittees and committees. Act quickly! - If you do [...]

Action Alert: Bicyclists May Proceed on Walk Signals

Virginia Bicycling Federation (VBF) is excited to pursue bicycling safety initiatives in the 2023 Virginia General Assembly session that begins tomorrow. We are optimistic that, with your help, new and improved bicycling safety laws will be enacted this year. ACT TODAY TO SUPPORT SAFER BIKING: Bicyclists May Proceed on Walk [...]

By |2023-01-17T09:32:16-05:00January 10, 2023|Action Alert, Virginia General Assembly|0 Comments
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